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Your Free Local Classifieds

About Us


In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful and prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah profit Mohammed and his family and companions

To start with, why Balloshi?

  • Because it simply and deliciously means ... FREE
  • Because it is amazingly simple  ...
  • Because it is a whole package in a small organized basket ...
  • Because it is fun, colorful and youthful (has section specialy designed for students where they can buy and sell and interact)

So ... Who am i ??

I am the owner and the CEO. I am Not at all in the business of computer and internet but i got small story that started all this. In short, i had to sell my car in Saudi Arabia and i had to pay the classified website sum of money plus there are websites that charge a lot of money for ad promotion which i really .. really did not like ... As such, i said i have to build a new classfied website and make free and i called it FREE or in slang arabic .. Ballooooooooooshi .. and if there would be any charges for ad promotion, it would minimal. As such i would provide support for everyone and for business users to escape those paid websites and enjoy the sense of free service .. or Balloshi !!

It took me around three years finish this project in association with handful of creative smart guys thousands of miles away with thousands of emails and multiple personal visits to reach the end product ... The goal was .. MAKE IT SIMPLE AND FUN YET QUITE HELPFUL AND EFFICIENT .... where you have single simple platform for nine countries where people can buy and sell and interact simply from their smart phones. I am putting this project as a gift to the Arab world from the Atlantic to the Arab Gulf as i wishit will be of great use to them ... i urge you all to visit our privacy policy and terms of use and safety tips before start using the website ...

At the end I have great future ideas on the work and the App is just around the corner, all to provide smooth flowless enjoyable experience. As currently i am alone in this project, i am open to share this project with any one who is interested ... just drop me an email at   info@balloshi.com

All the best